Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Sweetheart

We've just transferred an old lady from one hospital to another for ENT referral after a somewhat nasty nosebleed. At 91 years old, she's more concerned about the wasted food because she hadn't finished her evening meal when it started. I could do these types of call all night.


Blogger aliavane said...

Heya I like your blog, I really like the short posts, they kind of remind of haiku poems. Capturing a moment in a few words- they are very powerful if some what upsetting. I see you've just started posting again- I have an emergency services site of my own and would really love you to post something on it. Would this be possible? Or comment maybe or both if you are feeling very keen? It would be a great way to get traffic for your site :) Anyway let me know

6:14 pm  
Blogger Steve said...

Thank you for your kind comments and the invitation - I'll give it some thought, but won't make any promises

12:27 pm  

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